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    Journal volumes: 15
    Journal issues: 54
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    Total authors: 974
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    Accepted articles: 363
    Rejected articles: 754
    Published articles: 332

    Acceptance rate: 18.32
    Rejection rate: 38.06

    Average Time to Accept: 327 days
    Average Time to First Review: 122.3 days
    Average Time to Publish: 25.4 days

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    Accepted articles: 59
    Rejected articles: 16
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    Acceptance rate: 22.61
    Rejection rate: 6.13

    Average Time to Accept: 145 days
    Average Time to First Review: 25.1 days
    Average Time to Publish: 52.9 days
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    Iranian Higher Education
    Journal of Iranian Higher Education Country of publication: Iran
    Publisher and license: Iranian Higher Education Association
    ISSN: 2008-8000
    Printing status: printed and electronic
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Magazine language: Persian with English Extended abstract
    The initial review period of articles: less than 10 days
    Average time from judging to academic admission: Less than 3 months
    Arbitration Policy: Double-blind peer review
    Minimum reviewers for each article: 2 reviewers
    Articles Finder Software: Samim Noor
    How to issue a certificate of acceptance and judging: Electronic
    Publishing fee: The cost of expert evaluation and refereeing of articles: 5000,000 Rials and
       The cost of printing and publication is 1,000,000 Rials
    Journal type: scientific-research
    Impact factor: 0.313
    Free and open access to articles: access to articles and their use are free
    Indexed: Yes. All the articles published in Journal of Iranian Higher Education in Google Scholar scientific database, ACADEMIA international specialized database, LinkedIn scientific page, ISC World of Islam citation database, Magiran, Nurmagz, comprehensive humanities portal (ensani.ir), scientific information center system Iran (SID) and Civilica scientific database are indexed and have codes and identifiers.
    All articles of this publication have a digital identifier of objects (DOR)
    In publishing articles, the journal follows the rules of COPE or the Committee on Publication Ethics.
    Contact us: journal.iheagmail.com
    The percentage of acceptance in 1401: 7% 
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    Iranian Higher Education
    Print ISSN:
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    Dr.Ebrahim Salehi Omran
    Dr. Mohammad Yamani

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    AllSince 2020