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:: Volume 16, Issue 1 (2024) ::
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:: Volume 16, Issue 1 (2024) ::
ihej 2024, 16(1): 88-108 Back to browse issues page
The role of transformational technologies on the entrepreneurship of the higher education system of the country
Rahmatolah Allahyari1 , HamidReza Najafizadeh 2
1- Assistant Professor, Educational Management and Planning Dept, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
2- MA. Student, Management and Planning Higher Education Field, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran , hamidreza2707@gmail.com
Abstract:   (198 Views)
Objective: Higher education system is very important in any society. Today, university, entrepreneurship, industry and business are no longer separate from each other. Therefore, considering the importance of entrepreneurship in the economic and social development of societies and as an important social capital, the active and effective interaction of universities and entrepreneurship can make a significant contribution to national development. Currently, transformative technologies play a new and important role in the entrepreneurial university and university entrepreneurship. The aim of this research is to answer the question of how transformative technologies affect university entrepreneurship.
Method: Thirteen domestic articles and books and three foreign articles related to the role of transformative technologies on the entrepreneurship of the country's higher education system were identified and studied, reviewed and analyzed using the qualitative method of content analysis.
Results: According to the findings of this research, transformative technologies and their effective use in classrooms and the university environment become the basis for the development of entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial university in the real sense, and also the researchers of the challenges and requirements of the use of transformative technologies, the factors affecting the relationship between transformative technologies and entrepreneurship in the higher education system. The country and also studied and investigated the positive and negative effects and how transformative technologies affect entrepreneurship.
Conclusion: Today, the need to deal with transformative technologies and its proper management, in order to create new and effective tools and methods to improve the quality of the country's universities, as well as to provide new and innovative solutions in different dimensions, especially in the entrepreneurship dimension, is felt more and more. Entrepreneurship and transformative technologies are both the source of innovation and the creation of a desire to innovate in society, and their effective communication can promise better days in the university, society and business.
Keywords: Transformational technologies, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial university, higher education system
Full-Text [PDF 838 kb]   (91 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/08/10 | Accepted: 2024/05/30 | ePublished ahead of print: 2024/11/27
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Allahyari R, Najafizadeh H. The role of transformational technologies on the entrepreneurship of the higher education system of the country. ihej 2024; 16 (1) :88-108
URL: http://ihej.ir/article-1-2050-en.html

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