Abstract: (5483 Views)
Two cases of the challenges in universities in the 21st century are internationalization and language selection for developing international relations. Multilingual education with using indigenous, national, and international language is a response to this problem. This research was done to investigate MLE in South Africa, the United States, Belgium, Malaysia, and Australia. To attain the purpose, concept, perception of MLE, macro policies, linguistic situation, MLE programs, functional problems, educational technologies, solutions, and practical outcomes of MLE were investigated. The research method is a comparative study. Choosing countries was based on purposive sampling and achieving maximum information. With the purpose of deep understanding of MLE, documents and existed articles were investigated using George Beredy method in four stages of description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison. Results showed that using MLE, critical competencies of language learning and internationalization purposes are attainable. MLE educational programs align in conserving, indigenous, national, and international languages. Problems with accessing qualified instructors, financial resources, appropriate curriculum are solved through group cooperation. Multimodal technologies, social networks, computers, the internet should be used in MLE. Solutions for removing attitude, legitimate, and structural obstacles are offered. Results of this research are suggested for producing necessary knowledge for administrators, for administering MLE in universities and using offered experiences about MLE. Researchers can embark on doing an exact and detailed investigation of MLE through functional researches and international study opportunities.
Type of article:
Research |
Special Received: 2019/03/4 | Accepted: 2019/03/4