This paper seeks to analyze the debate of two models in educational management, the discipline-centered and knowledge-based tradition, with an emphasis on the structural and modality differences between Daneshsar and Farhangian University, according to Michel Foucault's view of discipline and correction policies. In this paper, the qualitative and in particular the Grounded theory are used, and through in-depth and focused interviews, 43 experienced disciplinary teachers have been studied. The findings of this research, on the one hand, emphasize on the cultural, social, historical and academic necessity, the transition from the Daneshsara tradition to the modern academic tradition, suggest the educational planners and practitioners review the teacher education policies. On the other hand, the officials of the newly found university have urged to strive to establish and institutionalize a scholarly academic tradition, especially warn them with regard to the continuation of the Daneshsara tradition in the new university format. This research finally sees the establishment of the University of Farhanfian as a kind of breakthrough in the development of discipline-based knowledge, which itself is rooted in the biological and ontological developments of contemporary Iranian people in the third decade of the Islamic Revolution.
Type of article:
Research |
Special Received: 2018/11/5 | Accepted: 2020/01/27