Volume 12, Issue 3 (2020)                   ihej 2020, 12(3): 115-145 | Back to browse issues page

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Homayoun Arya S, gharebaghi M M, Barani S. Investigating the development of higher skills education in the country during the last 10 years. ihej 2020; 12 (3) :115-145
URL: http://ihej.ir/article-1-1761-en.html
1- Ministry of Science, Research and Technology , ho_arya@yahoo.com
2- Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
3- Technical and Vocational University
Abstract:   (3641 Views)
Issue and Objective: Considering the increasing importance of skill training and considering the complex and numerous issues that this type of training is involved in, this article tries to show the growing trend of these two subsystems. The custodians of the skill field of the higher education system of the country are studied and analyzed and the pathology of these two sub-systems is addressed in a way and the possible gaps of these two sub-systems are covered.
Methods: The researcher's data collection tool in this research was a library method that includes all printed and electronic documents.
Results: In the last decade, the growth and development of the skill subsystem, including the Comprehensive University of Applied Sciences and the Technical and Vocational University, has been very different from each other, so that the Comprehensive University of Applied Sciences has 14,273 courses from 37,159 (38% of the total country). And in other cases, the comprehensive scientific university in the academic year 1394 - 1393 with a population of 816620 and in the same year with 1011 higher education centers with a very long distance, stands above the technical and professional university. Meanwhile, the Technical Technical University has 1014 local disciplines (2.7% of the total country) and its population in the academic year 1397-1396 was 221397 people and in the academic year 1399-1398, it had 173 higher education centers.
 Conclusion: One of the most important reasons for the growth and development of the comprehensive university of applied sciences compared to the technical and professional university can be considered the entry of the private sector and the establishment of private applied science centers. The Technical and Vocational University, in terms of its completely governmental nature and administrative bureaucracy, has established only 8 new faculties in the last decade. To the faculty, which indicates a move towards stabilizing the presence and provision of services. Upstream documents, especially recent development programs such as the fourth, fifth and sixth programs have paid much attention to the skill subsystem and have sought to grow and develop this special subsystem of the higher education system so that with different titles in the development programs The country has been mentioned as administrative, financial, equipment and physical support and attention to the consequences and the need to establish a policy-making body for its integration and efficiency.
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Type of article: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/09/17 | Accepted: 2021/09/26

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