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:: Volume 16, Issue 1 (2024) ::
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:: Volume 16, Issue 1 (2024) ::
ihej 2024, 16(1): 1-21 Back to browse issues page
Opportunities and obstacles of scientific progress in Iran's higher education
Mohammad Yamani Douzi Sorkhabi
Professor of Department of Higher Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran , M-Yamani@sbu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (517 Views)
The scientific progress of any university as a complex system requires an understanding of the diversity in it, to create a conducive environment to the birth of individual and group creativity. Although this diversity is a necessary platform for the scientific-cultural development of the university, it also causes the increasing complexity of the university system. What are the obstacles in the way of understanding this diversity and complexity caused by it? Despite the fact that understanding the diversity in university systems makes a suitable condition for universities scientific progress, but the "control" of complexity through reducing management approaches, far from reflecting on the totality of university systems, is a big obstacle for such an environment and causes neglect of the opportunities that are important for their performance excellence. What are these opportunities? This article is written in a reflective manner with a synthesis of researches and opinions about the state of higher education in the country, along with the author's experiences and studies in more than three decades of educations, researches and observations in the state universities of Iran and some other countries. It is done by examining the obstacles to the progress and scientific and cultural development of Iran's higher education, emphasizing the need to pay attention and to understand the importance of students' imaginations and images about university systems, as an important opportunity and to give them a field to "play" in the interactions of students and other university actors in complex educational and research situations. This understanding and the explanation arising from it is one of the paths to the excellence of university systems, just as the paradigm that prevents such an understanding becomes a barrier against scientific progress and motivation, especially for students.
Keywords: scientific progress and leap, University as a complex system, Obstacles and opportunities of scientific progress, Imaginations of students. Reductive approach
Full-Text [PDF 535 kb]   (90 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/06/10 | Accepted: 2024/07/29 | ePublished ahead of print: 2024/10/8
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Yamani Douzi Sorkhabi M. Opportunities and obstacles of scientific progress in Iran's higher education. ihej 2024; 16 (1) :1-21
URL: http://ihej.ir/article-1-2037-en.html

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مجله آموزش عالی ایران Iranian Higher Education
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