
Guide for authors Guide for authors

 | Post date: 2023/04/9 | 
Guide for authors of Iranian Higher Education Journal

Extended abstract template word file

1- General features of the article
• The article should be the result of the author(s) research.
• The article should not have been published in another journal and should not have been submitted to another journal until the end of review process.
• After sending the articles to the experts, they are checked for originality by a plagiarism checker application and based on the reported similarity percentage, the articles are assigned the initial task (initial acceptance of articles with similarity reports above 35% will not be accepted).
• The publication of the article is subject to the final approval of the editorial board.
• The author will be notified of the acceptance of the article for publication after the approval of the reviewer committee.
• The corresponding author is responsible for the content of the article. To submit any article, the corresponding author must download, complete and submit the Publication Agreement Form and the Conflict-of-Interest Form in addition to the article on the journal website.
• The editor of the journal is free to carry out literary and technical editing on the article without changing its content.
• The volume of the article should not exceed twenty five pages.
•The full name of the author (s), academic degree, university where they teach or study, field of study, e-mail, and telephone number should be stated on a separate page.
• Submitting an article is only possible through the Journal website publications system at http://ihej.ir/ (to do this, the corresponding author must first register in the system).
2- Article components
• Title: The general title of the article which embodies and expresses the content of the article. The title should be non-repetitive, unambiguous and conceptually flawless.
• Profile of the author: The profile must include the name and surname of the author, academic degree, field of study, university where they teach or study (as per the Affiliation of the Technical and Vocational University in both Persian and English).
Abstract: A comprehensive description of the article in concise terms (maximum 250 words or ten lines) including an overview of the problem statement, purpose, research method and findings (in both Persian and English).
Extended abstract: Click here to download the template.
Keywords:  Five to seven specialized words that are more important in the article than other words (in both Persian and English).
• Introduction: Includes the purpose of the article and briefly mentions the research background.
• Main body: Includes the main text of the article, theoretical foundations, methodology, data analysis, findings, discussion and conclusion.
• Footnote: If there are necessary explanations, terms and foreign equivalents, at the bottom of each page, they will be numbered in the text.
Acknowledgments: It is recommended partner institutions and funding providers of the research are mentioned, stating appreciation to individuals who have played a role in conducting the relevant research or provided the necessary facilities, as well as to those who have worked hard in reviewing and compiling the article. Obtaining licenses / permissions from organizations or individuals whose names are mentioned in appreciation is necessary.
• References: References should be mentioned as per article format and at least half of them should have been published in the last 5 years. It is necessary to list the references used in order of their number in the text of the article. Furthermore, in references with different publication years, the author(s) should be stated in ascending order of the year of publication.
• All references should be in English, not Persian. Even if the references are Persian, they need to be translated into English, then write (in persian) at the end of the line.
• English abstract: Cambria and font size 9 should be used (and be based on a complete translation of the Persian abstract).
3- Text Style
• The article should be on standard paper, in font  B lotus 11pt , with single spacing in Word format and written as a single column. 
• At the beginning of each section, a half-centimetre indentation must be implemented; but, the first line below each title should not be indented.
• Direct quotations of more than three lines should be written separate from the original text and with one-centimetre indentation on each side and written in the same font but with a size of 10.
• The article begins with an introduction. The title of each main section and subsections should be separated by a white line and written in bold.
• Except for proper names and names of grammar principles, other Latin footnotes should begin with a lowercase letter.
• The number of footnotes should not be sequential and excessive footnotes should be avoided.
• Use the references tool for the numbering of footnotes and do not type the desired number manually.
•If unfamiliar abbreviations are used, list them in the footnote before first use.
• If the author or authors have used the financial resources of a particular organization or institution in the preparation of the article, it should be mentioned in the footnote.
• Draw, Table and Equation tools in Word environment should be used to prepare tree diagrams and other similar diagrams so that it is not problematic to organize in the final version of the article.
• Write the titles of the tables at the top, and the titles of the images at the bottom.
• All examples, diagrams and images must be numbered consecutively.
• Formulas should be numbered in parentheses.
4- Reference to Sources 
All references in your manuscript must be formatted using EndNote software based on APA7th styles.
( Click here to download the EndNote style for references.)
The bibliography of references text font should be (Times New Romans 10).
If for any reason the author(s) could not edit the references with EndNote, it is necessary to manually set them exactly in accordance with the guide below and set each source as a hyperlink.
(Click here to insert or remove a hyperlink in Microsoft Word.)
4-1 In-text references
4-1-1 For Technical and Engineering, Art and Architecture, Agriculture  and Basic Sciences Disciplines:
• References in the text of the article should be numbered and the end source number should be in parentheses in the text. See Example [4].
4-1-2 Entrepreneurship and Management (Humanities) Disciplines in APA 7th Style:
• Last name of the author or responsible author, date of publication of the work, page number(s). There is no need to write "p" for page number. Also write numbers from right to left such as (122-136).
• The reference text (direct quotation) should be enclosed in quotation marks and its source reference in parentheses such as (Saif, 1368: 426).
• If the text refers to several works by an author, each of those works will be separated based on the difference in the date of publication and in the final references section will be identified by the title of the work.
• If reference is made to two published works by an author in the same year, it is necessary to distinguish them first in the final sources by writing "a" and "b" next to the year of publication, and then in the in-text references, after the author's last name, the year of publication should be written with "a" or "b". For example (Hosseini, 1389 A: 26).
• All in-text references should be written in Persian and in case of reference to an external source, its Persian equivalent should be used and immediately its Latin version should be written in footnote at the bottom of the same page.
4-2 Final References (Sources) in APA 7th Style:
All references in your manuscript must be formatted using EndNote software based on APA7th styles.
The bibliography of references text font should be (Times New Romans 10).
4-2-1 Reference to books
A basic reference list entry for an e-book that you have retrieved from a Library database (with no DOI)* in APA must include:
  • Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
  • Year of publication of the book (in round brackets).
  • Book title (in italics).
  • Edition (in round brackets), if other than first.
  • Publisher.
  • DOI. Include a DOI for all works that have one, regardless of whether you used the online version or print version.
  • The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.
[2] Heywood, J. B. (2018). Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals (2nd ed.). McGraw Hill.
4-2-2 Reference to articles
A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include:
  • Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
  • Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).
  • Article title.
  • Journal title (in italics).
  • Volume of journal (in italics).
  • Issue number of journal in round brackets (no italics).
  • Page range of article.
  • DOI or URL
  • The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.
  • [1] Mahdi, R. & Shafiee, M. (2020). A model and guiding framework for innovative and entrepreneurial university, J. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, No 17, summer 2020, pp. 1-15. [in Persian]
4-2-3 Reference to conference papers
The basics of a reference list entry for a paper in a published conference proceedings:
  • Author or authors of paper. Surname followed by first initials.
  • Year and date of the conference (in round brackets).
  • Title of paper (in italics).
  • Title of conference.
  • Event Place
  • DOI or URL
  • The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.
 [3] Maddox, S., Hurling, J., Stewart, E., & Edwards, A. (2016, March 30-April 2). If mama ain't happy, nobody's happy: The effect of parental depression on mood dysregulation in children. Southeastern Psychological Association 62nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States.
4-2-4 Reference to dissertations
The basics of a reference list entry for a thesis or dissertation:
  • Author. The surname is followed by first initials.
  • Year (in round brackets).
  • Title (in italics).
  • Level of Thesis or Dissertation [in square brackets].
  • University, also in [square brackets] following directly after the Level of Thesis, for e.g. [Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University]
  • Database or Archive Name
  • URL
  • The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.
Note: Include the description “Doctoral dissertation” or “Master’s thesis” followed by a comma and the name of the institution that awarded the degree. Place this information in square brackets after the dissertation or thesis title.
[4] Mosek, E. (2017). Team flow: The missing piece in performance [Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University]. Victoria University Research Repository. http://vuir.vu.edu.au/35038/
[5] Tsao, S.-F. (2016). Associations between consumption of fruits and vegetables among older consumers and farmers market shopping [Master’s thesis, University of Kentucky]. UKnowledge. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/foodsci_etds/47/
5- Other Notes
• According to the rules of Journal of Iranian Higher Education, each respected author is allowed to submit and follow up on only one article in each issue of the quarterly. Thus, we are unable to accept submission of more than one article in the name of one author within a specified period of time.
• It is necessary to state the affiliation articles in English and Persian in the following format with ORCID:
Academic rank..., Department of ..., University, Tehran, Iran.
Associate Professor, Futures Study Department, Institute for Social and Cultural Studies (ISCS), Tehran, Iran: mahdi002gmail.com 
Authors affiliation guide file
To register for an ORCID, you can click on this link and go to the ORCID registration guide.
Important notes on academic rank:
• Do mention if the academic rank is professor, associate professor or assistant professor.
• If the academic rank is instructor or lecturer and the author is member of the faculty of a university or educational center, use the word (Faculty Member) for the academic rank.
•In other cases, mention the last degree obtained or current degree level. For instance: Master’s student, PhD student, etc.
• It is necessary to insert the accent or conjugation sign in accented Arabic words used.
• Any additional explanations other than references should be inserted in the footnotes.
• In the references section, if the author's name is not known, name will be replaced by work name.
• References to ancient sources should use commonly known names of authors such as Nasser Khosrow and not Ghobadiani.
• In quoting sources from different languages, follow the rules of the same language to capitalize the first letters; this means, for example, that in French, except for proper nouns, all nouns begin with lowercase letters while in German, the grammatical name is written in capital letters and the rest of the words are written in lower case and ....


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